8 Things Not To Bring With You Into the New Year


2024 is almost over and as the tradition goes it's time to start making resolutions, purchasing that planner you'll never use, and signing up for the gym while they're still giving out discounts. Seriously, why are we like this?

While I appreciate the sentiment behind setting new year's resolutions, I think it is way more effective to set specific, manageable goals centered around how you want your life to be in the future. Unlike resolutions, goals are rooted in a more personal "why". If thought out correctly they will connect to a much bigger purpose and won't disappear once a few simple tasks have been completed.

Before the year is up I challenge you to honestly take a look at how you lived in 2024 and release yourself from these 10 things before stepping into the new year.

Bad health

Whether you're 100 lbs or 500 lbs, your mental and physical health should be important to you. Though body weight is a determining factor in a lot of health issues weight isn't the only (or most important) factor of health.

This is the only body and life that you will get. Take care of it. Drink more water, get your steps in, see a therapist, and introduce the word moderation into your decision-making vocabulary. Stop waiting for someone else to motivate you to take better care of yourself. The resources are out there. Use them.

Toxic relationships

Whew, chile! I could write a book on why you should leave toxic people exactly where they had you fucked up, but I'll keep it brief. You know exactly who the toxic people in your life are. Burn those bridges and stop wasting your time. You’ll thank yourself for freeing up space for more loving and supportive people in your life.

Poor time management

Though we may not have the same amount of resources as Beyonce, we've always had the same amount of hours in each day. Beyonce wasn't always the Beyonce that we know and love today.

I know the Beyonce comparison is a bit much, but you get the picture. Poorly managing your time WILL lead you to waste more of it than you can afford. Get yourself into a routine and watch the changes it makes in your life.


Excuses yield no profit and it's honestly as simple as that. Many of the things that happen to you in your life won't be your fault, I get that, but the way that you respond to them is. Making excuses does nothing to further your business, brighten your day, or help you grow. Leave excuses in 2024 and choose instead to find solutions and positive ways to handle setbacks.

Weak boundaries

People learn how to interact with you from you. If you allow people to interact with you a certain way, you can not go home and be mad that they did. Stop upsetting yourself over unmet expectations that were never clearly defined.  Set boundaries with people early and don't waver on them. You owe yourself that peace.

Negative coping skills

Our coping skills are how we get through the tough things. It is all of the ways in which we choose to deal with our short and long-term traumas. Too often when adults report their preferred coping mechanism it includes unhealthy things like overeating, drinking, or drug use. Some of these behaviors are learned and come from a cycle of negative coping skills and others are socialized through pop culture and social media.

Regardless of how you picked up your negative coping skills, it's time to let it go and find positive ways to deal with your issues. If you're not sure of what positive coping skills are try this list.

Poor communication skills

Poor communication is definitely one of those things you get "too old" for. Or at least you should. Hints and roundabout ways of talking are childish and unhelpful. Work on your ability to properly communicate the things you need and want because, well, you're an adult. Take a deep breath, stop mumbling, and look people square in the eye and communicate.


Wayne Gretzky is quoted as saying "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" and this will forever be a mantra for me. If you allow fear to follow you into the new year I can guarantee that you will miss out on opportunities to grow. Do it scared if you have to, but do it!

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